The Critical Role of AI in Reputation Management Software

When you think of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it may sound like the stuff of science fiction. Even with the recognition that it is present in our everyday lives, it may seem unnecessary or, at best, in accessible for small businesses. It is, in fact, both critical and quite affordable.

A small business’ online reputation is critical, especially today. As the marketing landscape has changed and evolved, we’ve been able to introduce new features that are built using AI. Today, we’re going to be talking about the role of AI in reputation management software, looking at how it can help to protect your company, give you better insights and deliver better results.

A good reputation management process needs to be automated. You need to be able to scale your efforts and get started quickly. In order to do that, you need tools that can recognize and analyze online reviews, online mentions and other online data in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it manually.

Enter reputation management software. This describes a category of software that helps businesses manage review, track social media mentions, and provide insights on what people love and what people don’t love about the products and services of that business. The role of AI in reputation management software is a newer innovation. While AI (Artificial Intelligence) may sound like the stuff of science fiction, it really is pretty straightforward. This article will explore the basics of reputation management, reputation management software, and the role of AI in helping SMBs manage their online reputation. Let’s start with some basics…what is reputation management anyway?

What is reputation management?

Reputation management refers to the process of protecting, managing and improving your image. It’s vital that you take control of how your company is perceived, primarily online. Commonly for small businesses, this boils down to getting more reviews…especially positive reviews.

What is AI?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is a term that has been around for the last 60 years. It’s the intelligence of machines and software that is comparable to the intelligence of human beings and is able to solve complex tasks and challenges. As an example, AI can be used to write emails, manage calendars, and book flights.

the role of ai in reputation management software

How can AI be used to help my business with reputation management?

Small businesses who aren’t aware of or don’t manage their online reputation are in danger of losing clients. In 2021, 77% of consumers said the always or regularly read online reviews before deciding whether to contact or visit a business. There are more and more online reputation management tools to help you, and some of them leverage AI to help you perform sentiment analysis associated with your products and services in reviews.

What is sentiment analysis?

Sentiment analysis refers to the extraction of sentiment from text, a feat that was once impossible. Text is split into individual words, then each word is analyzed to determine if it is positive, negative or neutral. Sentiment analysis is now available in reputation management software like Reputation Manager Pro.

Is AI within reach of SMBs?

All of this discussion of AI, sentiment analysis and the like may sound like technology that only large companies can afford. However, AI in reputation management software to perform sentiment analysis is well within reach of smaller budgets.

ai in reputation management
Reputation Management Software: Reputation Pro


Today, most consumers search online for local businesses to patronize. The online reputation of a business will significantly influence where that consumer ultimately does business. Keeping up with reviews, mentions on social media, and other factors that drive online reputation can be made easier for SMBs with reputation management software. The role of AI in reputation management software helps provide insights like sentiment analysis and it’s well within reach for any small business.

At B. McGuire Designs, we offer reputation management software and services that help SMBs get out in front of their online reputation and get out in front of competitors to help drive more new business through the online digital buyers journey.

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