7 Tips to Effectively Manage Online Reviews

Businesses of all sizes look to manage online reviews. As an entrepreneur, it’s paramount to understand how to effectively manage your online reviews. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, consumers are increasingly relying on online reviews to make decisions about products, services, and businesses. It’s easier than ever for customers to post both positive and negative reviews online, bringing immense opportunities and risks for entrepreneurs.

When you effectively manage online reviews, it can make a huge difference in converting prospects into customers and building a loyal customer base, which is why it’s essential to manage your online reviews the right way. Unfortunately, many business owners aren’t sure where to start when it comes to managing reviews. To help entrepreneurs effectively manage their online reviews, we’ve compiled seven tips that will help you build a customer-centric approach and sustain customer loyalty. Using these tips, entrepreneurs can foster an online presence that will help them turn prospects into customers and keep customers coming back. We’ll unpack the importance of online reviews and discuss how to manage customer feedback, as well as how to build a culture that understands the customer experience and values customer feedback. Finally, we’ll look at the importance of responding to customer reviews and how to leverage reviews for customer retention. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a better understanding of how to use online reviews to create a more customer-centric approach and foster customer loyalty. Keep reading to learn seven tips to effectively manage your online reviews.


The success of your business can be heavily influenced by your online reviews. But with the amount of feedback to track and manage coming from so many different sources, it’s important to have a game plan for how to effectively manage your online reviews. Customers will be more likely to leave reviews if they know their opinions are valued and taken into account. Here are some tips to help you manage your online reviews.

Keep track of what’s being said about your business across all platforms. It’s important to be aware of the conversations taking place on social media, blogs, and other sites. A great way to do this is by setting up Google Alerts so you can be notified when someone mentions your business or products. Additionally, you should make sure to monitor the most popular review sites that relate to your industry. This is a great way to stay on top of what people are saying about your brand and products.

Respond promptly and courteously to online reviews. It’s important to respond quickly to both positive and negative reviews in order to show customers that you value their opinion and feedback. Make sure to thank customers for their positive reviews, and apologize for any negative experiences they may have had. Let them know that their feedback is important to you and that you are taking steps to address any issues they may have had.

Encourage customers to leave reviews. You should make it easy for customers to leave reviews by providing links to your profiles on the most popular review sites. Additionally, you can offer incentives such as discounts or freebies in exchange for reviews. Just make sure to provide honest and transparent information about the incentive programs.

Monitor and address customer complaints. If you receive any negative reviews or customer complaints, it’s important to address them quickly and courteously. Let the customer know that their feedback is valued and that you are looking into their complaint. Responding to complaints quickly and professionally can help calm the situation and even prevent a public relations disaster.

Use customer feedback to improve your product or service. Always keep an open mind and be willing to listen to your customers’ suggestions. If a customer has constructive feedback, use it as an opportunity to make improvements to your product or service.

Highlight positive reviews. After responding to customer feedback, make sure to highlight the positive reviews and comments. Share positive reviews on social media and emphasize why your customers love your products or services. This will help potential customers

Understand What People are Saying About Your Business

Understanding what people are saying about your business is key to effectively managing your online reviews. This will enable you to identify trends from the reviews and feedback, including recurring issues that could be improved or an overwhelming amount of praise for certain services or products. To gather insights, you must continually monitor and collect customer reviews from various platforms.

For example, Reputation Manager Pro is an online review management platform that helps brands monitor, collect and analyze customer reviews from over 150+ review sites across the web. It allows for efficient tracking of reviews, alerts for negative feedback and data-driven insights to inform informed decisions.

Additionally, many social media platforms offer valuable insights into what customers are saying about your brand. Different platforms can provide a variety of perspectives — Twitter is often used to communicate with customers and obtain feedback, while Instagram influencers can provide valuable insights into how others are perceiving and interacting with your brand.

Social listening tools such as Hootsuite, Mention and Brandwatch allow you to track conversations and keywords related to your brand. These platforms can provide further insight into what people are saying about your business online. With this information, you can improve customer service and create better experiences for each user.

By understanding what people are saying about your business, you will be able to effectively manage your online reviews and better serve your customers. Knowing what people think about your business will also help you anticipate future reviews and take proactive measures for any issues that may arise.

Respond to Negative Reviews

Responding to negative reviews can be a challenge for businesses, but learning the right way to do it will help protect your reputation and possibly even turn a bad situation into a positive. Here are seven tips to effectively manage your online reviews:

1. Remain Professional: Responding to a negative review in a professional manner is essential; always keep the tone of your response polite and courteous.

2. Avoid Defensiveness: Admit fault, if appropriate, and apologize to the customer in your response. This will show them you truly care about their experience and want to make it right.

3. Address the Issues: Don’t just offer an apology without addressing the issue that the customer experienced. Make sure you take the time to understand what may have gone wrong and provide a solution or resolution.

4. Stay On Topic: Make sure you stay on topic when responding to online reviews. Don’t get sidetracked by other personal or unrelated matters, as this can be seen as unprofessional and damaging to your business.

5. Offer Solutions: Show the customer that you are willing to go the extra mile to ensure they have a positive experience. Offer them a discount, a future promotion, or other incentives to show your appreciation.

6. Take the Conversation Offline: Try to take any further communication offline by providing a private email address or a contact number for the customer. This will allow for a more personal and private resolution that isn’t open to public scrutiny.

7. Monitor Your Reputation: Make sure you actively monitor your online reviews and respond quickly to any negative feedback. This will help you to nip any potential issues in the bud, before they become too big of a problem. By doing this, you can help protect your reputation and maintain a good online presence.

Cultivate Positive Reviews

Reviews can be an integral part of a business’s online presence, yet they are often a source of stress for business owners. It takes effort to cultivate good reviews and manage negative feedback, but there are plenty of benefits that can make it worth the effort. Here are seven tips to effectively manage your online reviews.

First, be proactive in your approach. Reach out to your customers to ask for feedback, whether it’s after a purchase or after a stay at a hotel. This can help you get on top of possible negative reviews and address any issues before it’s too late.

Furthermore, publishing surveys and polls can help build up customer loyalty. Additionally, create an easy system for responding to reviews. Make sure those responses are timely and sincere. Responding promptly and positively to reviews can help you turn possible bad experiences into good ones. Provide clear instructions on how to leave a review, and also on how to contact customer service if necessary.

Thirdly, encourage positive reviews. You can incentivize customers to leave positive reviews by offering them a special deal, reward, or discount. Having a system in place to reach out to customers and thank them for their positive reviews is also a great way to show appreciation.

Fourth, act quickly to address negative reviews. As a business owner, its important to take ownership of any negative feedback and be prompt in addressing it. Doing so publicly demonstrates that you take customer service seriously, and allows customers to see how you respond to complaints.

Fifth, keep track of reviews across all platforms. Create a system to monitor reviews on all the major sites, such as Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor. Stay on top of all the reviews—even the negative ones—to quickly respond and mitigate any risks or damage.

Sixth, address legitimate complaints. Negative reviews can often reveal insight into the customer experience and provide valuable feedback. Take comments seriously, and respond with respect. If the complaint is valid, you may be able to turn an ex-customer into a regular one by responding to the issue and addressing it in a timely manner.

Finally, leverage positive reviews. Showcase your positive reviews across your website, social media pages, and marketing materials. This can help draw attention to your business and build customer trust. Additionally, use positive reviews to highlight certain areas of your business and even highlight specific products or services. By following these tips

Respond to Positive Reviews

Positive reviews are just as important to respond to as negative reviews. While they may not require a specific response, responding to positive reviews is a great way to show your customers you appreciate them and take their feedback seriously. Here are some tips on how to effectively manage your online reviews:

1. Thank the Customer: Thanking a customer for their feedback and taking the time to leave a review can help build your brand’s reputation. A simple “Thank you for your positive review” or “We appreciate your feedback” can make your customers feel more valued.

2. Add Value: You can add value to a customer’s experience by commenting with additional information or helpful tips. For example, if you notice someone gave a positive review about your product, you could comment on the review with extra tips on how to get the most out of the product.

3. Show Appreciation: Showing appreciation for customers who leave positive reviews can also help to build your brand’s reputation. You can do this by thanking them, sharing the review on social media, or offering them a discount or coupon code.

4. Engage With Follow-up Questions: You can also engage with customers by following up with questions on their review. This is a great way to gain insights into how customers are using your products or services and how you can improve your offerings.

5. Address Issues: If there’s an issue in a positive review that needs to be addressed, make sure to do it in a polite, professional manner. For example, if someone mentions they had difficulty with a product or service, you can thank them for bringing the issue to your attention and follow up with a solution.

6. Invite Reviews: Inviting customers to leave reviews on different platforms can help you grow your online presence. After a positive customer experience, you can invite customers to share their thoughts on various review sites or social media channels.

7. Monitor Your Reputation: Monitoring your reputation on review sites is an important part of managing your online reviews. By keeping track of your reviews, you can quickly address any issues and ensure your brand’s reputation remains intact.

Ultimately, responding to positive reviews can help you build relationships with customers and create a positive online presence. By implementing these tips to effectively manage your online reviews, you can help to build trust, demonstrate

Monitor Keywords and Mentions

Monitoring keywords and mentions online is an effective way to keep track of your online reviews. By staying on top of what people are saying, you can accurately manage your online reviews and ensure your reputation is protected. The key is to set up automated alerts that let you know when someone has mentioned your business or brand, or specific keywords associated with it, such as “customer service” and “product quality”.

Automated alerts save you time by notifying you instantly when keywords and mentions are detected, so you can react quickly. This allows you to respond to the comment or review before it goes viral, allowing you to build and retain positive relationships with customers. Other avenues you should use to monitor your reviews include Google Alerts and monitoring news feeds, user forums, review sites, and social media platforms.

In addition to monitoring for mentions, you should also be proactive in checking for new reviews on a regular basis. Assigning a team member or yourself to scan through reviews daily or weekly will help you stay on top of feedback and remain aware of fluctuations in customer satisfaction. Having a system in place to monitor reviews ensures you never miss a review, and can help you address any negative comments or ratings quickly.

Finally, pair automated alerts with manual review monitoring to maximize the effectiveness of your online review management strategy. Automated alerts are great for staying on top of timely mentions and reviews, while manual review monitoring ensures you don’t miss any reviews and gives you a much more thorough overview of customer feedback. Together, both methods of monitoring help you effectively manage your online reviews.

Make the Most of Your Reviews

For businesses, reviews are an essential part of online success. Not only do reviews help establish trust among customers, but they also provide valuable feedback that can help you improve on your products and services. To make the most of the reviews you receive, it’s important to have effective systems in place to manage online reviews.

First and foremost, you need to stay on top of what is being said about your business online. The most efficient way to do this is to set up email alerts for when someone posts a review about your business. That way, you’ll be able to respond promptly to both positive and negative feedback.

You should also develop a system for gathering reviews from customers. You can do this by including a link to the review page on your emails or in-app messages. On the flip side, you should also incentivize customers to leave positive reviews. Offering discounts or free gifts is an effective way to increase the number of positive reviews.

When it comes to responding to a review, you should always be professional and polite. Acknowledge any praise or compliments, thank customers for taking the time to leave a review, and apologize for any negative experience. By responding to reviews, you’re sending the message that you care about the customer experience and value feedback.

Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out to customers who leave negative reviews. Asking them directly for more details can help you learn what went wrong and can also help build a stronger relationship with that customer.

By utilizing these tips, you can effectively manage online reviews and make the most of the feedback you receive.


As you can see, it proactively managing your online reviews…both positive and negative is critical. You need to respond to all your reviews in a timely manner, but as a busy business owner, how do you do that? There are tools available that will aggregate your reviews from multiple sources like Google, Facebook, Yelp and industry-specific sites like TripAdvisor for travel pros and Zillow for Realtors. B. McGuire designs offers one such tool, Reputation Manager Pro. It even uses AI to analyze the sentiment of your reviews, provide you with areas that are viewed positively and negatively and even compose appropriate responses to each review for your consideration.

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