The Importance of Regular Website Maintenance

Regular website maintenance must be considered by every business with a website. This helps ensure the correct functioning of the website. Web pages are vulnerable to different types of malware and viral programs. In addition to defending themselves, websites also must satisfy the demands and needs of any visitor who comes to the web for information.

Regular website maintenance must be considered by every business with a website. This helps ensure the correct functioning of the website. Web pages are vulnerable to different types of malware and viral programs. In addition to defending themselves, websites also must satisfy the demands and needs of any visitor who comes to the web for information.

Free Guide on How To Keep Your Website Safe with Regular Maintenance

When the development is done and the site opens, the construction of a great website does not end. To ensure that it is as clean and up-to-date as possible, a great website needs daily and routine maintenance. You always want to keep your website well maintained for a variety of important reasons, including:

Regular Website Maintenance Improves Online Security

Content Management Systems (CMS) are used by many websites today, the most common being Joomla and WordPress. With each new update they deliver, CMS platforms also seek to improve performance and security while also addressing minor bugs that have been found. The longer you wait for an update, the more likely you will be to try to expose the outdated and unsafe code on your website to hackers.

The same can be said for the programming language in which you are developing your site. For example, if you are running a PHP-built CMS, you want to make sure that your PHP version is up to date. Usually, every PHP version is supported for about 2-3 years after the release date. No further security updates will be made after the support date ends, rendering your website highly vulnerable to an unwanted attack. As of this blog post, the current version of PHP is PHP 7.3, and many website owners are still using outdated and insecure PHP versions today.

Regular Website Maintenance Saves Time and Money

Effective maintenance of the website involves updating the platform as new releases are made available within a decent timeframe. There will be a greater risk of an update failing or disabling something else on your site if you postponed updates for a while but finally intend to update your site for a few months. However, the risk of an update removing everything on your site is much lower if you make improvements to your site before they are written.

The longer you wait to upgrade, the more time and money you need to spend with developers to make sure that this update doesn’t ruin your site. Updating plugins, components, and CMS versions shortly after they come out is best practice, as it will make your mind and wallet easier when you know that your website is being updated regularly.

Regular Website Maintenance Enhances SEO

Google likes new material. If you regularly update pages on your website, your site will be perceived by Google as more relevant than a static site. Fresh content can help improve the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) website.

It is a crucial part of a well-maintained website to search for broken connections regularly. Your SEO would be adversely affected if your site had broken links. There are several free broken link checkers available on the internet, such as Broken Link Check and Dr Link Check. The more you search daily, the less time you need to spend restoring broken ties.

Regular Website Maintenance is Business Critical

Well-maintained websites will save you time, money, and headaches, as you can see. Maintaining your site will significantly reduce your risk of unwanted attacks while increasing the quality and speed of your website. It will also help improve your SEO by keeping your website well run, which could mean more site users, more business, more sales, etc.

Our WordPress Maintenance Plans are designed to take care of the myriad tasks which must be performed to keep your website safe and operating at peak performance.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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